As of 8/22/22 I am suspending my consultation services with the exception of university education until further notice. I have accepted a full time position at a global themed entertainment and media company.


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The goal of every project may be different, but the process to get there needs to be consistent. Establishing and managing character expectations, believability and intent are a must for bringing a character to life. However, due to the intersectional nature of the artistic and technical fields involved, the process can be a challenge to manage. Establishing a common vocabulary and asking the right questions at the right time is a huge factor in moving your character work to the next level. Anthrobot Creative wants to help you do just that; offering scalable consultation to organizations, schools, and individuals who are working in the field of dimensional animation, themed entertainment and robotics.

Consultation Options


Process Collaboration

Collaboration and the ability to iterate are critical to creating robotic characters that live. Doug has developed numerous methods over the years to integrate technical and artistic design efforts across multiple professional disciplines. He would be happy to collaborate with your team to enhance your character design/production workflow.

Epcot Festival of the Arts

Epcot Festival of the Arts

Speaking Engagements & Workshops

Doug has lectured and facilitated workshops for years on the art of dimensional animation. The settings include the Epcot Festival of the Arts, Disney Cruise Line, Walt Disney Imagineering, The Disney Institute, D23, LSU and the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group at the United States Naval War College.

Topics include

  • The Visual Trip Workshop - Learning to See and Communicate Visually

  • Lessons from a Blockhead -

    Designing Characters for the Real World by Leveraging Limitations

  • The Integration Matrix Workshop - Structuring Team Workflow to Communicate Authentic Moments in Time (also offered in a lecture format)

  • The Art of AUDIO-ANIMATRONICS Animation


Personal Coaching and Tutoring

Doug offers one on one and small group coaching sessions with professional and collegiate designers, animators, art directors and engineers that want to deepen their understanding of the unique aspects of working in this field. Instruction is also available for high school students involved in STEAM and other areas of study that deal with anthropomorphic robotics, theatrical and themed entertainment applications.

To learn more about pricing and how Anthrobot Creative can design a custom consultation plan to meet the specific needs of your team, school or project, send us a message on our contact page.